Monday, May 30, 2011

A Short Memorial Day Message

I’ve been away for while.  The need to making some money and provide for my family outweighs the need to express my creative muse, so I’ve been spending more time in that realm of late.  But today, a day of remembrance, a day that we memorialize our fallen service-people, so I provide my tribute with the written word.

There is no doubt and can be no argument that war is the most ugly, treacherous, and deadly serious event in human existence, and human live will be lost.  It should never be taken frivolously, and the thoughts of war should receive critical consideration.   But war should neither be sensationalized, romanticized, nor glorified; it should be recognized for exactly what it is:  an unfortunate and sometimes necessary evil with which we must all live.

I will not discuss the merits of one view over another with regards to sending our troops into battle, that is NOT what today is about.  But, regardless of your particular view, it is the men and women of our Armed Services, who have and continue to provide you with your right to voice your opinions publicly.

The men and women of our Military deserve nothing less than our respect and admiration for their willingness to sacrifice their safety and wellbeing to protect and secure ours’.  And, while it is nice to have one day set aside to remember those who have made the ultimate sacrifice, this is something that should be done daily by every citizen, not just who have lost, family, friends, or comrades.

Maybe if we thought of these selfless individuals daily, we might pay more attention to understanding and learning the history that caused us their loss.  Maybe then at some point we’ll arrive a point in human development, where losses caused by war will no longer exist.

I will leave you with a comment I made on a private board, which my friend Helen (Thanks) reminded me would make a good signature line:

“We honor our fallen warriors by not repeating mistakes that put them in harm's way in the first place, not by erecting monuments to them.”

Your comments or questions are always welcome.

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