Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Another Stop the PRESSES!!! Moment

As I was writing my last essay, the Rush Limbaugh/Sandra Fluke controversy began to blow up in the press.

After Sandra Fluke, a 3rd year law student at Georgetown University, was prevented from testifying at Rep. Darrel Issa’s Capitol Hill Hearing faith-based hearing, she was finally allowed to testify at a Democratic hearing arranged by Rep. Nancy Pelosi. While Rep. Issa’s hearing was held under the guise of discussing religious freedoms, the Rep. Pelosi hearing appears to have been convened as a more open discussion on Democratic Policy.   If you are so inclined, ABCNews’ online article is here, and you can find the text of Ms. Fluke’s testimony at this Democratic hearing linked in the article or here.

Enter the conservative attack machine.  You can find a pretty good timeline article on the events following Ms. Fluke’s testimony, on the “The Week” website.  I have yet to find a reliable transcript of Limbaugh’s comment on his radio show, but, it appear he was piling on from articles published at CNS News and Hot Air with incendiary titles such as; "Sex-crazed co-eds going broke buying birth control, student tells Pelosi hearing touting freebie mandate" and "Georgetown co-ed: Please pay for us to have sex... We're going broke buying birth control." Good Ole big mouth Rush jumps on in radio broadcast with comment like, claiming that she is asking the government to subsidize her sex life. "What does that make her?" he asks. "It makes her a slut, right? It makes her a prostitute. She wants to be paid to have sex. She's having so much sex she can't afford contraception. She wants you and me and the taxpayers to pay her to have sex” and "If we are going to pay for your contraceptives, thus pay for you to have sex, we want something for it, and I'll tell you what it is: We want you to post the videos online so we can all watch."

Regardless of the fact that nowhere in her testimony before congress can you find any reference to Ms. Fluke sexual activities or frequency, CNS News, Hot Air, and Rush Limbaugh (I’m showing great restrain to avoid name calling here, though find some of my Facebook posts to find them) chose to enflamed their readers and listeners with of the most vile, vitriolic, and inaccurate accounts of her testimony.  I don’t think, as Sanda Fluke has declared, this attack was design to silence her specific, but rather to discredit her and discourage others from speaking out.  These are clear examples of Conservative movement and current GOP’s attack bullies, no different than schoolyard bullies around the nation and which we are trying to combat today.  I include the GOP in this essay because, the current Speaker of House had to “encouraged” to disavow Limbaugh’s comments, and when the current group of GOP Presidential candidates were given a chance to comment, they either soft-pedaled a response or choice to deflect and use the chance to instead make negative comments about our current President.

Yes, Rush did apologize…  But, like the schoolyard bully, not until he was hauled into the Principal’s office and made to apologize with his head held low and toe stabbing and the floor, did Rush offer his apology, and with the same sincerity of the schoolyard bully.  I have long held that an apology – sincerely given – is more for the benefit of the person giving it, a chance to express and acknowledge true regret.  And… In my experience, once said, words can never be unsaid.  You can apologize forever, but you can never take it back.  Whether Ms. Fluke accepts his apology is of little consequence, as long as she allows herself to forgive.  For you see, forgiveness is, like an apology, more beneficial to the giver.  But, there is one thing about forgiveness, just because you forgive someone, it doesn’t mean you need to forget what has been done or said, nor accept the transgression prompting the forgiveness.  It only mean that you bear no malice to the individual it is given too.   

Now, what about the right to ‘Free Speech’?  Yes, it is Rush’s right to say whatever it is that he deems appropriate, however, he also has the right (or responsibility) to accept every consequence for his speech.  While the Constitution grants him the right to free speech, it only exempts him from government sanctions for that speech, not the wrath or rebuke of a society repulsed by it.    While I am not generally given to violence, if Rush Limbaugh had made such comments about one of my daughters of the same nature as Ms. Fluke and I met him on the street, I’d be inclined to punch his limits out, and then…  Gladly accept the consequences for my actions.  I have heard a few right leaning commentators that this is uproar is a double standard, and that when left leaning ‘pundits’, like Bill Maher (who I don’t watch because I find his rhetoric largely distasteful), make comments like those of Rush’s, it is largely ignored.  I monitor a broad spectrum of news sources, and I haven’t seen any material like this one.  Point me to them I and will read them and respond, as I believe anyone spewing the vitriolic tripe that Limbaugh unleashed on the airwaves.  I am not against anyone speaking out about their view, opinions, and convictions, but, this Limbaugh diatribe was a blatant personal attack on a young woman given the opportunity to express her views.  And… It is obviously to me that he did so with malicious intent.  He either did not read, or didn’t care about the content of the opinion she expressed, he chose to attack her character simple because it suited his purposes, and because that is what his supports expect.  So, ask you;  Who is the real slut and or whore here?

As with any right or freedom, they all come with certain explicit expectations that they be exercised responsibility.  I have known about Rush Limbaugh for many years, he really started out as a comedian with a bent for political commentary years ago.  He has mistakenly started to believe his own press that he a now a powerful GOP pundit and leader, and forgotten that what is accepted from the comedian, is not appreciated or accepted from our leaders, real or perceived.  I have similar issues with Bill Maher, though he doesn’t seem to be garnering the press coverage of Rush Limbaugh and the ultra-conservative media.  Yes… I know it all the fault of that nasty liberal media machine.

And finally, a recommendation for Rush Limbaugh...  Where Sanda Fluke is concerned, thread lightly, you WAY out of your league!
My next piece will be the essay I was working on before this entire media firestorm made itself known.  It will be expanding on some of my thoughts expressed in this essay.

Your comments or questions are always welcome, and I have added an email address for those not wishing to comment openly in this forum.  Emails can be sent to However, please know that if this account is used to flood me with trash and hate mail, I will shut it down.

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